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The Caribbean Light

Covid-19: Its Impact in the Cruise Industry – The Caribbean Light

Foreign investment ‘by the back door’ is not the best way forward for Caribbean cruise destinations

Nathan DundasBy Nathan Dundas, Director, Caribbean Shipping Association

In rocky, dark and turbulent waters a lighthouse is a welcome sight.


As the cruise industry finds itself in uncharted waters, the Caribbean region stands as a beacon of hope and light for this vital industry.

A wise man once said: “To the making of books there is no end.” We can say the same with regards to the number of varied articles and comments on the cruise industry across the international online world.

It seems that everyone has a perspective on the cruise industry. There seems to not be a day, since the outbreak of Covid-19, that someone hasn’t written something on this topic; and it appears that cruiseships have become the ugly face of transportation.

The cruise industry haters and well-wishers have drawn the line and made it clear which side of it they stand. At this time everyone therefore knows by now all of the negative and positive comments on whether the cruise industry will recover or not, or which ones will go bankrupt or what form it will evolve into after Covid-19 as well as every imaginable scenario going forward.